Celebrate Random Act of Kindness Day!

By Anastasia Sims

Although it feels like “Random Act of Kindness Day” should be every day, February 17th is the day to celebrate. As a parent, teaching your children how to show kindness to people can be tougher than it sounds.

A Harvard study from their graduate school of education found that around 80% of youths say that their parents care more about personal achievements over if they are kind. So, how do we show and teach our children how to be the kind people we know they can be? Firstly, it’s showing them by example. Walking the walk and being kind in your own life can be one of the greatest gifts for your family. Whether it’s how you talk to other adults or even keep an even temper with your kids when you’re tired, kids notice those behaviors and model their own after ours.

The most important thing to remember on Random Acts of Kindness Day is that whether it’s something small or big, kindness is contagious. Use this day to show your kid’s how to pay for someone’s food in the drive-through line, hold the door for an elder or help a stranger. Parents have the opportunity to start a social chain of kindness. By teaching children the importance and joy of being kind to others, your kids are more likely to encourage their friends to do the same.

Being kind is so easy. Let’s continue showing our kids how great it is to be kind. The world feels like it needs a little more kindness these days.

8 Books to Teach Kindness