
Key Nutrients Your Toddler Needs

Meal times can be stressful when you have a toddler who happens to be a picky eater. This is an important time in your child’s life for development. They’re essentially growing a body and need to consume the right key… read more

nighttime fears

Help Your Child Cope With Nighttime Fears

Monsters, darkness and ghosts are among the top 10 fears of children, according to “Fears Stress and Trauma: Helping Children Cope” by Edward Robinson. In his book, Robinson reports that these nighttime fears are a normal part of a child’s… read more

The Montessori Method: Toys that Teach

The Montessori method was developed in the early 1900s by an Italian scholar and scientist named Dr. Maria Montessori. She created schools for children in Italy that fostered “rigorous, self-motivated growth for children and adolescents in all areas of their… read more

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