Turn Over a New Leaf This New Year! January 10 marks a national holiday that I think we can all get behind – National Cut Your Energy Costs Day. Most of the electricity powered in the United States is created… read more
Happy Home
Make DIY Homemade Holiday Ornaments With The Kiddos!
Making ornaments with your children is a wonderful holiday tradition to start! These little trinkets can make great gifts for grandparents and relatives, and each year they will have a new one to add to their tree or holiday display.… read more
Learn How To Pick The Best Christmas Tree!
After the pumpkin patches disappear and the Thanksgiving china is put away, shiny garland and bright-bulbed strings of light begin to show their faces once more. They cling to evergreen pine branches and transform blank canvases into art. These works… read more
Avoid These 5 Common Money Mistakes Parents Make
Strollers and diapers are the priority now. Raising a child is such a great feat in itself that you don’t quite consider the financial implications that’ll come down the line. But, if you start saving now, you won’t stress about… read more
It’s Time To Break Up With Some Common Household Items
Germs are inevitable, and try as we might, we cannot avoid them. We know that exposure to different germs can either strengthen our immune systems or make us sick. So, we do our best to invite in the good ones… read more
#ParentHacks: First Week of School Survival Tips
We all know that the hardest job you can have is being a parent! The days are definitely long and the years are astonishingly short. Some days you might feel like you’re going through the struggles alone. But, we are… read more
How to Get Your Home Ready for a Florida Summer
Summer is upon us and it’s time to prep that house for what is coming. While fun in the sun is on the agenda this summer, Florida has a reputation for packing a punch with bugs, heat and storms that… read more
Meet Super Dad Jeffery Michael Consaul!
Meet one of our Super Dads, Jeffery Michael Consaul! Where do you work and what do you do for a living? I am the Director of Pharmacy for Lake Butler Hospital. Name and ages of kiddos? Ariana (7), Ella (5)… read more
Pests Be Gone With These DIY Natural Bug Repellents!
Looking to get rid of those pesky, winged, eight-legged or sometimes scaly house guests? Here are a few DIY bug repellent solutions for you to try around your house! Get Rid of Ants Make a 50/50 mixture of water and white vinegar, and pour it into a clean… read more
Preparing Your Family for Hurricane Season
Preparing your family for hurricane season is here! Florida hurricane season runs from June 1 through the end of November, with the high season occurring in August and September. Before the Storm Bill Quinlan, a meteorologist on WCJB TV20’s weather… read more