4 Ways to Have Family Fitness Fun in the New Year

By Julie Walter

What if we told you working out as a parent doesn’t have to mean squeezing in a quick trip to the gym at unreasonable hours? What if we said you could stay fit while having fun with the entire family? Studies show that families who exercise together experience long-term physical and mental benefits. To implement family fitness time, plan ahead and schedule time throughout the week that you can be active as a family. Making fitness fun will teach your children a lifelong health habit and encourage bonding with the entire family.

When you only have an hour

Even if you only have a short amount of time, there are plenty of ways to get some exercise in and spend time together. Try exploring the neighborhood together after dinner. This could mean riding bikes, rollerblading or even just walking together and talking about each other’s days. If it’s especially hot outside, cool off by running through the sprinklers or jumping in the pool.

When you have a full day

If you have a full day to spend with your family, the options for activities are endless. You can visit a local lake and enjoy kayaking, swimming and fishing. You can travel to a beach and try Boogie boarding, beach volleyball or tug of war. If you are looking to immerse your family in nature, there are a lot of beautiful, local hikes that your family could enjoy. You can pack a picnic and trek through the trails to enjoy all that nature has to offer.

When you have a half day

The weekend is here, and everyone is finally home for a few hours. This is the perfect opportunity to get out of the house and get moving. Visit the local park and enjoy flying a kite or tossing a ball around. If you’re looking for a more structured activity, there are a variety of family fitness classes available. Try out yoga, Pilates or a dance class! If you’re looking for a way to give back to the community, volunteer to walk dogs at a local animal shelter or sign up for a charity run.

When it’s raining

We live in Florida, and that means it rains… a lot. However, just because it’s raining doesn’t mean that being active goes out of the window. On a dreary day, try making a new playlist and having a dance party. Bump those tunes, and the whole family can participate in an epic round of freeze dance. You can keep the party going with a pillow fight, creating an obstacle course out of sofa cushions or playing “the floor is lava.” Want to get out of the house for a little while? You could walk around the mall, go bowling or try rock climbing.

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