Jeremy, Natasha, Burton (12), Mackenzie (12), Reagan (6), Alexandra (4)
We feel like Gainesville is a tight-knit community and a peaceful place to raise our family.
Occupation(s): Jeremy is a CPA and Natasha is a family law mediator.
Favorite local restaurants: 4 Rivers, Las Margaritas and Chopstix.
Favorite local “Must go” places: The Swamp, the springs and the O’Connell Center to watch Gator gymnastics.
What are your children’s favorite meals that you cook? Chicken potpie and pastitsio (a Greek lasagna dish).
What is your family’s favorite holiday? There is a split in the family as to whether Christmas or Easter is better. For now, I guess we will say it’s a tie.
Describe your family in 3 words: Hospitable, loud and funny.
Favorite games to play as a family: Sequence, Parcheesi and charades.
Do you have any pets? Shot Gun Willie (aka Willie), our pet schnoodle who joined our family this past October.
Why do you love raising your family in Gainesville? We love having access to all of the sporting events our university has to offer. We feel like Gainesville is a tight-knit community and a peaceful place to raise our family.
What makes your kiddos laugh? Being tickled and witnessing Mommy and Dadddy’s many faux pas.
What would your family’s dream vacation be? Hawaii.
Is there anything exciting coming up for your family? SUMMER! And road trips to see Mimi and Papa in Oklahoma.
Favorite date spot: Jeremy and I love to ride our bikes to local restaurants (Chopstix is our favorite).
Our family is most like: We’re not sure. A mix between the Brady Bunch, the Griswolds and “Modern Family.”
Movie in our DVD player right now: “Little House on the Prairie.”
The kids’ favorite books: “Harry Potter.”
Mommy and Daddy’s favorite TV shows: We don’t really watch that much TV. We love watching the Gators play. Our kids’ favorite shows are “Duck Dynasty” and “Little House on the Prairie.”
Websites we love: Pinterest.
Favorite picnic spot: The park near our home.
Favorite family activity: Watching Gator games and taking bike rides.