Meet Super Dad Jonathan Sherrill!

By Giggle Magazine
Super dad graphic

Meet one of our Super Dads, Jonathan Sherrill!

Where do you work and what do you do for a living?

Owner at Sherrill, Inc – Investor in business and real estate

Name and ages of kiddo?

Faith (14)

If you could be any superhero, who would it be and why?

I have never been into superheroes, so I would have to say Jesus Christ because he laid down his life for others and gave the ultimate sacrifice.

What is your favorite part of being a dad?

Getting to spend every day with my daughter and watching her grow into the beautiful angel she was created to be.

What is your most memorable dad moment?

The day Faith was born!

If you could give two pieces of advice to a new dad, what would it be?

Create a safe space for your children to speak on every topic that matters to them. Listen fully without always giving advice or instructions.

What is the hardest part of being a dad?

Expect the unexpected, because life doesn’t go as planned. Getting my daughter’s autism diagnosis at age 2 was certainly one of those unexpected moments. But there is always joy in and grace for the journey.

What do you hope your child learns the most from you?

Be kind to others. Everyone is going through difficult times, show mercy.

Share a “Dad fails” moment that you learned from or laughed about!

I remember letting Faith play with my phone when she was little and she ended up calling one of the Board of Directors out of NYC. Usually, I had to schedule an appointment with this man, but Faith managed to get right through.

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