Meet Super Dad Laurent Williams!

By Giggle Magazine
Super Dads graphic

Meet one of our Super Dads, Laurent Williams!

Where do you work and what do you do for a living?

I work in the financial industry.

Name and ages of kiddo?

Gabriel (5)

If you could be any superhero, who would it be and why?

I would be Superman! He is known for his super speed, an attribute I identify with as an avid runner. I like his ability to transform from a serious professional to a crime fighting hero. Aside from his superpowers, Superman is known for his commitment to doing the right thing, and he never gives up in the face of adversity. In the Superman movies, he explains that the “S” he wears is a symbol of hope and courage, which are two attributes I value in my life as well.

What is your favorite part of being a dad?

I love watching my Gabriel develop into a strong, intelligent, emotionally sound young man who will be a productive member of our society. He makes me proud daily as I watch him grow and I see his personality develop.

What is your most memorable dad moment?

My son, Gabriel, and I have a special secret handshake. We started this when he was about three years old as part of our morning preschool drop-off routine. I love seeing Gabriel smile and get a boost of confidence when we do our handshake just before he walks into his classroom. I hope it’s something we can continue as Gabriel grows up.

If you could give two pieces of advice to a new dad, what would it be?

I would tell a new dad to enjoy every moment with your child. Even the challenging moments of fatherhood may become memories you will miss.

What is the hardest part of being a dad?

Hearing “dad” 100 times a day! And maintaining the patience to answer the endless questions the kid comes up with.

What do you hope your child learns the most from you?

I hope my son learns to always keep an optimistic mindset, and never give up!

Share a “Dad fails” moment you learned from or laughed about!

The weekday morning routine can be hectic, and it’s difficult to get the family and everything we need ready for the day and out the door on time. I am admittedly very picky about how I pack my son’s lunch, and I make it a top priority for my morning. Even with my lunch box obsession, I managed to forget to send my son’s lunch box to school with him one morning. I didn’t realize it until I was almost to work, and I had to turn around and go all the way home to fix my mistake.

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