One Mill for Schools up for renewal

By Giggle Magazine

By Jackie Johnson, public information officer for Alachua County Public Schools

The One Mill for Schools, first approved by local voters in 2008 and then again in 2012, is up for renewal this election year. If approved, it won’t increase school property taxes here in Alachua County, but it will protect art and music, guidance counselors, media specialists, classroom technology, band and chorus programs and academic/career tech magnets in Alachua County Public Schools. It also guarantees a nurse in every school. An independent citizens’ oversight committee reviews the expenditure of One Mill funds to ensure they’re spent as voters intended.

The One Mill will be on the back of the ballot, and it is listed as Alachua County Question 1. Sample ballots and voting information is available on the Supervisor of Elections website at

More detailed information about the One Mill for Schools, including the ballot language and a 90-second video, are available on the Alachua County Public Schools’ website at under District Notices.