Common Cold or Allergies

I Can’t Stop Sneezing: Common Cold or Allergies?

It’s that time of year when your nose turns red, you can’t stop sniffling, and everywhere you go you carry hand sanitizer. Seemingly, everyone during this time of year has the sniffles, keeping on-the-go Kleenex with them at all times. And, more likely than not, these people pass off their symptoms as just another cold,

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Snot Cheat Sheet: Understanding Mucus

When it comes to raising children, parents wear many hats. On any given day, you can be a chef, chauffeur, maid, therapist, nurse, teacher and last but not least, snot checker. That’s right, one of the many joys of parenting is being able to know if your kiddo’s snot (or mucus) looks normal – lucky

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