The Honey–Don’t List

We either have one at home, or know of one. You know, that partner who thinks he/she is Mr/Mrs. Fix Everything. And, while we do appreciate their skills and their go-get-’em attitude, we all know that there are certain things that they should leave to the professionals … so behold, the Honey-Don’t list. Anything that has to do with

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protect your home

Protect Your Home During the Summer Months

The temperature is rising. The humidity is surrounding you. You feel the warmth on your face (as always) and the bugs are starting to bite. Summer is here! Florida’s blistering summer months can be an exhausting collection of sweat, rosy cheeks, sunburns and mosquito bites — all of which are seemingly unavoidable unless you permanently

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Household Items

9 Household Items You’re Forgetting to Clean

There’s nothing better than a fresh pot of coffee to brighten your sleep-ridden eyes and recharge your energy for the day ahead. And there’s nothing worse than raising the porcelain mug to your lips, only for a bitter, gritty sensation to invade your taste buds. When was the last time you cleaned your Keurig? We

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Wood Decay

Wood Decay 101: What Every Florida Homeowner Needs to Know

If you own a home, you are likely to encounter wood decay, also known as wood rot. If you are lucky enough to own a home in Florida, where the weather is especially humid, you will find it hard to avoid wood decay. The good news is that it’s a relatively easy problem to solve

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