What Type of Parent Are You?

Illustrations by Anibal Rodriguez and Megan Sapelak Researchers have identified four primary parenting styles that classify most parents and the way they raise their children. While there is no perfect parent, researchers have also uncovered certain long-term traits of children associated with each parenting style. Most parents will identify most strongly with one archetype but you

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Social Media

4 Things to Consider When Posting About Your Kids

BY STACEY STEINBERG My kids had online footprints long before they had ever dipped their toes into the social media pool. Everything they did, including their achievements, medical concerns and silly antics, has graced my Facebook feed since they each entered the world. I documented my journey through motherhood in public blog posts and sappy

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jennifer dempsey

Meet Jennifer Dempsey, A Local #BossMom!

As a mom, you quite literally do it all! Between working and making sure your kiddo gets to school with a matching pair of shoes, it proves to be the toughest job anyone could do. Our Giggle moms have shared with us what makes them a #BossMom, and we are all for it! Meet Jennifer

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