The Joy of Newborn Motherhood: Jamie Valentine and Elise

By Giggle Magazine
Jamie Valentine

The joy of newborn motherhood. Jamie Valentine shares her stories and experiences of what it’s like to raise a newborn baby.

Jamie Valentine and Elise

BABY’S AGE/BIRTHDAY: 2 months / 1-28-20

SPOUSE NAME: Jon Valentine

Jamie Valentine and her husband Jon started their journey to having a baby with completing genetic testing based on DNA results out of concerns of conceiving due to family history. “We were told there was a high chance of miscarriage due to a genetic mutation that I had,” Valentine said. But, as luck would have it, they conceived on their first try, during a vacation trip to Vegas to celebrate Jamie’s 30th birthday.

All was progressing like clockwork with her pregnancy, however when she entered her third trimester her blood pressure spiked and at 36 weeks, her doctor sent her to the hospital. “I spent the next three weeks in and out of the doctors office and hospital checking my BP and was placed on bed rest,” Valentine said. “I had all the signs of preeclampsia as well, but was not 100% diagnosed, so I was pre preeclampsia. Each doctor visit I wouldn’t know if I was being sent home or to be induced.” Although not her plan, Valentine was induced at 39 weeks and Elise Jamie was welcomed into the world.

“The past 9 weeks have been overwhelming!! From bed rest for three weeks to delivering, and now motherhood of six weeks. The love and support from our friends, family and coworkers have overwhelmed us and made us feel so lucky to have our community and network of love,” Valentine said.

Her advice to new moms “Do what feels right to you… you know your baby best and can make informed decisions. Babies [are] eat, sleep, poop and repeat machines! Gas is no fun and neither is a crying baby. If the baby is crying, check diaper, feed and then burp. If this doesn’t soothe the baby try all of that again and don’t give up. Babies don’t always know what’s bothering them and only have one way to alert you to their needs, which is the same cry for everything.

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