All Grown Up: How to Move from a Kid to a Tween Room

By Tracy Wright

In the blink of an eye, your beloved baby grows up and so does their personality and style. As your child grows up, they want their bedroom—their own space—to reflect their unique tastes. So, what is the best way to change your child’s bedroom from a “kiddie” style to a more mature room? 

“Let your kid choose what they like …” This is the advice that my sage almost 14-year-old daughter gave me when I asked what she would tell parents undertaking this transition with their tween or teen. Most designers and experienced parents would agree. Always remember that it is THEIR space so it should reflect their individual style. But that doesn’t mean your child can go rogue – after all, parents need to manage what is realistic based on several factors, cost being one of the major ones. 

Planning for a New Space 

Let your tween take the lead in creating a design plan for their room, which can be a fun process for both of you. Thankfully, there are many online resources available for kids to put together a virtual mood board for their new space, which can include favorite colors, furniture ideas, decorative touches and other accents. Pinterest is a great way to find these inspirations and collect them in a virtual board that both you and tween can view and post. This will allow your tween to choose a theme for their room that will guide you throughout the process. 


To make room for new things, take inventory of what’s in your kid’s room that can be donated or stored away. This will most likely include things like stuffed animals, old toys or books and other kiddie trinkets. Let your child decide what should stay or go, but remember there may be keepsakes you want to save and put away yourself, said Décor Tips. 

New Needs 

Now that your child is growing up, they need new types of spaces for growing interests or needs. Consider a dedicated study space as their schoolwork will only grow as they get older. Think about more effective storage for their current and future interests – room for instruments, sporting equipment or other hobbies, Decorating Den advises. Also, as children get bigger, so do their clothes and shoes. Take this into account when designing closet or dresser space. 

If you are working with a smaller room with limited space, get creative. Think about a bed with drawers underneath for storage, a loft bed for study space underneath and freestanding shelves hung on the wall for more storage. 

Colors and Textures 

Typically, a new room will include new colors and accessories that fit a more modern and mature theme. This can include a fresh coat of paint, new bedding, artwork and lighting. Work with your tween to make sure this fits their personality and chosen theme for their room. Tweens also may want a bigger bed. Full or queen size beds give tweens more room and make sleepovers a lot easier! 

Finally, think about a flexible room theme that can be adapted in the coming years as your child’s tastes and activities evolve. Above all else, create a space “that will be comfortable and yet dynamic, where your teen will feel at home and free to grow,” said Décor Tips. 


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