Pests Be Gone With These DIY Natural Bug Repellents!

Looking to get rid of those pesky, winged, eight-legged or sometimes scaly house guests? Here are a few DIY bug repellent solutions for you to try around your house! Get Rid of Ants Make a 50/50 mixture of water and white vinegar, and pour it into a clean spray bottle. Spray the mixture on the areas where you have seen ants marching around. The vinegar will naturally

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Mosquitoes: The World’s Deadliest Animal

What do you think is the most dangerous animal in Florida? Would you guess rattlesnakes, sharks, alligators or water moccasins? Believe it or not, the most dangerous animal in Florida is the size of a fingernail! The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have deemed the mosquito “the world’s deadliest animal.” How could an insect so small

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