Simple After-School Snacks

The period after school is a tricky one when it comes to feeding your kids. It’s probably around 3 p.m. when you get home, and the first thing that comes out of their mouths is, “I’m hungry.”  It’s tricky because since it’s so close to dinner time, you don’t want to feed them an entire

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Go Gluten-Free with These Tasty Snacks

Gluten-free foods have become extremely mainstream in grocery stores and restaurants, and for good reason. The Celiac Disease Center at the University of Chicago Medicine says that celiac disease (an immune reaction to eating gluten) affects every 1 in 133 healthy people in the United States. If you are wanting to introduce some gluten-free foods into your household, here are

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Healthy Alternatives to Snacks

Healthy Alternatives to Snacks That Kiddos Love

Kiddos love to snack just as much as adults, but there are a lot of hidden dangers like excess sodium and added sugar lurking in the snacks we all love. So, to make your kiddos snacking selections a little more healthy, we have some healthy alternatives to snacks that kiddos love! Apple Fries French fries

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easy afternoon snacks

Easy Afternoon Snacks That Won’t Ruin Dinner

Summer means long days of fun in the sun and constant movement! Playing around all day can really work up an appetite for your kiddos, but sometimes a snack too late in the day could ruin dinner. Try making these easy afternoon snacks that will satisfy your kiddo without ruining dinner! Ants on a log

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