When Your Baby Becomes a Legal Adult: What You Need to Know

In what feels like an overnight transition, our babies go from diapers to adulthood. How does it happen so fast? We’ve compiled a list of things you need to know as they approach their 18th birthday so you, and them, are prepared for their transition to adulthood.  Voting  Legal residents are eligible to vote in

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More Sleep Helps Teens Cope With the Pandemic

If you're the parent of a teenager, you know it can be hard to drag them out of bed before lunchtime. Teenage bodies have a "delayed biological rhythm" and tend to prefer to go to bed later and sleep later in the morning. A recent study by Gruber et al. published in the Child and

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Skipping School

Skipping School: A Day of Fun or Something More Serious?

Teen life is tough. School is “boring” and teens gripe about the daily school grind. While they may rather stay in bed all day, Florida law requires regular school attendance. Some kids play hooky a few times while others are habitual offenders. Truancy TitleXLVIII of 2020 Florida Statutes states that “If a student has had

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