
Are Pacifiers Good For Babies?

Pacis, loveys, binkeys, babas—they are known by many names (known as “wubby” among my kids), but all refer to the infamous pacifier. The pacifier is an instrument that allows your baby to self-soothe by sucking. According to the National Institute… read more

Introducing Baby to Your Pet

Our pets are typically in tune with us and are aware when our lives begin to change, including the impending arrival of a new baby. If you are expecting the arrival of a new bundle of joy, you will want… read more

Delayed Cord Clamping

The terrible twos, the angsty teens, the homesick college student. Parents often look to the clock to characterize the milestones in their children’s life. They spend 18 years nurturing their kin, desperate for them to grow out of their diaper… read more

bonding over bath time

Bonding Over Bath Time

It’s commonly known that physical touch between a baby and his parents provides many benefits, but did you know that bath time can be rewarding, too? Set aside the stress of a bath time ritual by organizing and planning in… read more

Newborn Jaundice: Should I Be Worried?

Jaundice is caused by an excess amount of bilirubin in the baby's blood. Bilirubin is a yellow pigment in red blood cells, and if your new baby’s liver can’t remove the bilirubin from the blood, the yellow pigment will present… read more

The Truth About Oral Thrush

No one wants to see velvety white spots growing in their baby’s mouth. But, if you notice this sign, chances are your baby may have something called oral thrush. Noticing this might confuse and worry parents. But oral thrush is extremely common… read more

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