Selena Garrison

Boost Your Child’s Financial IQ

As parents, we want our children to excel in life. We want them to do well in school, have great friendships, find their passions and pursue their dreams as productive members of society. All of these things that we desire… read more

Apps To Save Money Instantly!

As a financial management professional and a very busy mom to many, I am a huge fan of easy ways to save money. If I have to take copious amounts of time scouring sales or clipping coupons to save a… read more

Child Support Basics

When you dreamed of what your family’s life would look like, child support issues were probably not part of that picture. However, many families find themselves in situations where state intervention in the management of child support is needed. If… read more

Learning with Toys

Learning with Toys

A couple weeks ago, as I was digging through my 4-year-old’s toys in the garage to find some things for my 8-month-old to play with, I was thinking about the number and variety of toys we have collected over almost… read more