5 Second Rule: Is It REALLY Safe to Eat?

We’ve all heard about the "5 second rule." You know, where you drop some food on the floor but if you pick it up within five seconds you’d avoid the chance of germs. It sounds good, but is it accurate? The Truth of the 5 Second Rule The answer is yes and no; the practice

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Sprucing up for Spring

Spring is here. The days will be getting longer and the temperatures milder, even though they never get too cold here in Florida. It's going to be tempting to spend more time outside. But what if your outdoor space has gotten a little dingy since you last used it? Not to worry! We’ve got some quick

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Should Kids Play in the Dirt?

We’ve all heard it (and said it): “Get out of the dirt!” “Get that out of your mouth!” “You’re getting filthy!” But what if playing in the dirt is actually beneficial for kids?  In a global pandemic, kids are spending more time inside than ever. The Child Mind Institute says the average child in America

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