Jello Desserts

Simple Jello Desserts for Summer

A Dessert That Provokes Jello-sy: Jello is the ultimate snack for the summer, and here at Giggle Magazine you’ll get all the best recipes for them! I will never forget that one episode of Phineas and Ferb when they filled the pool with Jello mix so they could have a fruity-flavored trampoline. I can’t tell you

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4 DIY Summer Crafts to Keep You and The Kiddos Entertained

Now that the school year is over  it's time for some summer fun! Instead of turning to the TV to keep your kiddos entertained, break out the craft supplies and get creative! Here are 4 DIY summer crafts you and your kiddos will love! DIY S'mores Pot... If you’re feeling hungry If you are having an

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summer bucket list

Celebrate Summer with a 2020 Summer Bucket List

Even though it feels like summertime in Florida eight months out of the year, the first official day of the summer season is this Saturday, June 20! This is very exciting, as it means pool days, beach trips, popsicles and, most importantly, no school. Now, all you need is a summer bucket list! There is

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