Are You Looking for Answers? A Mental Health Discussion

Does your child seem stressed, anxious or depressed? Many parents today are concerned about the mental and relational health of their children. Our children are looking for answers and, frankly, so are we. Looking4Answer’s mission is to give parents and children hope for today by sharing video stories of real people who are overcomers. We

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Powers of Eucalyptus

Discover the Powers of Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus may be one of the most widely used herbal remedies, both commercially and by private consumers. The health benefits of the eucalyptus species are countless due to it strong aromatic oils within the leaves. The various uses of eucalyptus include its antibacterial properties to help fight some infections, pain relief, dental health and stimulating

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More Sleep Helps Teens Cope With the Pandemic

If you're the parent of a teenager, you know it can be hard to drag them out of bed before lunchtime. Teenage bodies have a "delayed biological rhythm" and tend to prefer to go to bed later and sleep later in the morning. A recent study by Gruber et al. published in the Child and

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Cope With Election Anxiety

4 Tips to Help Your Family Cope With Election Anxiety

Election Day is coming up, and for many people, the political season brings a lot of anxiety and stress. And, even for your kiddos who can't vote yet, they can feel when their parents are anxious. Help your family cope with election anxiety with these tips! Limit Your News Consumption With all the presidential debates,

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