Tweens and Social Media: Yay or Nay?

Tweens today face a whole new set of obstacles in the social landscape that did not exist when their parents were at that stage. With evolving technology, there are numerous benefits but also some causes for concern. How do parents help guide children through this? Which apps are most popular? Snapchat Snapchat is a program that allows users to send photos,

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TikTok Trend “Devious Licks” Causes Concern

A recent TikTok trend titled "Devious Licks Challenge" is causing mayhem in schools across the country. This trend shows students engaged in criminal activity by defacing school property or completing a "lick" (theft) of school property. Many schools have been overrun with these pranks where students steal bathroom soap dispensers, masks, emergency signage, classroom telephones,

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TikTok and WeChat

TikTok and WeChat Downloads Are Banned in the US

The US Commerce Department announced that the U.S. will ban the downloads of the TikTok and WeChat apps starting on Sunday. People are no longer able to download these apps in the U.S. starting this past Sunday, September 20, according to a New York Times article. Those who already have the TikTok and WeChat apps

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