How To Be Safe On Halloween!

Halloween is a fun holiday that brings many different activities, festivals and, of course, trick-or-treating. As much fun as the holiday brings, remember there are important safety precautions to keep in mind during Halloween and share with your little ones to protect them. Keep reading to find out how to be safe on Halloween! Candy

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Leftover Halloween Candy

15 Ways to Use Leftover Halloween Candy!

When you have three kids, multiple Halloween parties to attend and an all-nighter filled with trick-or-treating, the piles of sweet treats do just that. Pile up! So, after I do my duty of safety checking and separating the piles of 'you eat that,' 'I eat this,' and our sweet tooth’s have been satisfied until next

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#MomHacks: Let’s Play Halloween Candy Hide and Not Seek!

Trick-or-treating is a favorite annual activity for many children. Dressing up in costume and going door-to-door asking for treats is fun and entertaining. At the end of the night, the candy bounty is heavy and the kids want to eat every last piece! We asked local parents how they help their children enjoy the candy

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