Introducing Baby to Your Pet

Our pets are typically in tune with us and are aware when our lives begin to change, including the impending arrival of a new baby. If you are expecting the arrival of a new bundle of joy, you will want to get your pet ready and ensure you have a plan in place for their

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Delayed Cord Clamping

The terrible twos, the angsty teens, the homesick college student. Parents often look to the clock to characterize the milestones in their children’s life. They spend 18 years nurturing their kin, desperate for them to grow out of their diaper stage yet dread them growing into their licensed-driver era. This time is important. It defines

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Newborn Jaundice: Should I Be Worried?

Jaundice is caused by an excess amount of bilirubin in the baby's blood. Bilirubin is a yellow pigment in red blood cells, and if your new baby’s liver can’t remove the bilirubin from the blood, the yellow pigment will present on the skin. In a newborn, jaundice will cause a yellow discoloration of the skin

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Newborn Screenings: What They Are and What They Really Mean

The day has finally come—your baby is here. Warmly snuggled in his or her blanket, your newborn is perfect! But there are still some necessary screenings that your doctors and specialists will have to perform to make sure your baby is completely healthy. Newborn screenings are necessary to help “identify serious but rare conditions at

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favorite Pregnancy Podcast

6 of Our Favorite Pregnancy Podcasts

A podcast is like a close friend... full of information, humor and real-life situations. From politics to education tips, podcasts come in many different topics for just about everyone. We’ve rounded out our favorite pregnancy podcasts for you baby-waitin’ mommas, so grab your headphones and get listening! Pregnancy Podcast by Vanessa Merten This podcast is

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Nichole Rivera

The Joy of Newborn Motherhood: Nichole Rivera and Yair Garcia

The joy of newborn motherhood. Nichole Rivera shares her stories and experiences of what it’s like to raise a newborn baby. Nichole Rivera and Yair Garcia BABY’S AGE/BIRTHDAY: 3 months/ 1-13-20 SPOUSE NAME: Enrique Garcia Nichole Rivera is now the proud mommy to three children and shares that each baby and pregnancy was quite different.

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Jamie Valentine

The Joy of Newborn Motherhood: Jamie Valentine and Elise

The joy of newborn motherhood. Jamie Valentine shares her stories and experiences of what it’s like to raise a newborn baby. Jamie Valentine and Elise BABY’S AGE/BIRTHDAY: 2 months / 1-28-20 SPOUSE NAME: Jon Valentine Jamie Valentine and her husband Jon started their journey to having a baby with completing genetic testing based on DNA

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Wea Sto Domingo

The Joy of Newborn Motherhood: Wea Sto Domingo and Eliza Jean

The joy of newborn motherhood. Wea Sto Domingo shares her stories and experiences of what it's like to raise a newborn baby. Wea and Eliza Jean Sto Domingo BABY’S AGE/BIRTHDAY: 4 months old / 11-27-19 SPOUSE NAME: Benjo Sto Domingo “Challenging but rewarding” is how mom of two Wea Sto Domingo describes her adventures in

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Calling All Newborn Baby Moms!

Are you a mom celebrating the birth of a new baby? Are you up to your eyebrows in diapers, wipes and everything in between? Have you learned so much already in the short time your bundle of joy has been here? Is it everything the book says, or more? We are looking for new moms

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Choosing Your Grandparent Name

It is said that bringing a child into the world is the greatest moment of your life — a moment so overwhelmingly emotional that only one other milestone can top it: welcoming your first grandchild. Witnessing your baby, who you birthed, raised, loved and let flourish, follow in your footsteps by becoming a parent is

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