Hey Moms! It’s Time to Put Yourself First

Parenting is one of the most rewarding experiences, but it can also be one of the most exhausting. Mothers are often the foundation of the household — making meals, cleaning, keeping up with extracurriculars and more. There is no debating that the role of a mom is crucial to the growth and development of children.

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Mom Should Do For Herself

8 Things Every Mom Should Do For Herself

Let’s face it, being a mom can be really tough for a number of reasons. We spend so much time taking care of our significant others, kids and pets that we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. Moms need to get away and splurge on themselves every now and then. Here are the eight

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giggle magazine

15 Tips for Moms to Relax and Refocus

As modern mothers, we tend to hold ourselves to some impossible standards. If we had a touch of perfectionism before having a child, it can rear its head with a vengeance after we have a tiny human to raise, and our children have the propensity to set us off like no one else. Here are

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Giveaway Alert! Oak and Reed Fitness Products

⭐Giveaway Alert⭐⁠ As parents, we have to remember to take some time to take care of ourselves so we are here to announce a giveaway that will make taking time for yourself that much easier. ⁠ ⁠ This is a 4 piece giveaway of Oak and Reed products valued at $78. Products included are a

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perfect facial roller

Jade vs. Rose Quartz: Pick the Perfect Facial Roller

If you have been on Instagram lately, there is a chance you may have come across these things called facial rollers. They are beauty tools with stones at either end of the tool that can be rolled across the face in a “paint-roller” style motion. Some key benefits that you could experience from facial rolling

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